Welcome to Therapiemaly,
a Clinic for Physiotherapy, Osteopathy, and the
Fascial Distortion Model (FDM) / Typaldos Method.
Is there pain or restricted movement that you have to live with permanently? That just won't go away?
Extremely rare. It is my job as a physiotherapist and osteopath to work with you to find a way, and it usually works.
I look forward to taking on this challenge with you.
January 23rd, 2023:
Open on Saturdays from January 2023!
Dear patients!
Since this week I am also available for appointments on Saturdays.
Maby you don't have much time during the week and you don't want to rush to therapy before or after work.
Now you can also have your physiotherapeutic or osteopathic treatment with me on Saturdays, in peace and without time pressure.
I look forward to meeting you.
All the best, yours Marion Maly
Therapy Types
Since I am both a physiotherapist and an osteopath, I work with the knowledge and experience of both professions. I do my best to adapt my therapy to my patients, which means I often mix the two directions. If you choose me as your osteopath, I may give you a few exercises to practice at home and I will work on your body posture together with you. If you mainly wish to use my services as a physiotherapist, then I cannot help but use my osteopathic judgment and will also work correctively, provided you allow me to do so.
I have been increasingly involved in the Fascial Distortion Model (FDM) and the associated Typaldos method since 2008. Due to this method’s efficiency, a fact perceived by my patients as well as myself, FDM (Typaldos methods) is assuming an increasingly important role in my therapeutic work, although putting it into practice is hard work for both sides.
Osteopathy is a holistic method of diagnosis and therapy. Its objective is to restore mobility and self-healing. The path to this objective leads us through the body’s structure.
There are three osteopathic subfields, each closely connected to one another:
Structural Osteopathy:
Structural osteopathy includes any technique that mobilizes and corrects joints, muscles, tendons, ligaments, and fascia. The osteopathic treatment makes use of soft and subtle methods, although direct techniques are sometimes also used.
Craniosacral Osteopathy:
The elements of the craniosacral system are the flexible structure of the cranial bone and the sacrum, which is connected to the skull through the inelastic dural duct and the cerebrospinal fluid. This hydraulic system transfers ultra-fine movements that take place inside of the skull. These micro-movements are rhythmic pulsations that propagate throughout the entire body. Cranial dysfunctions can have varied and wide-reaching consequences on the entire neurovegetative and vascular system; craniosacral osteopathy treats such dysfunctions.
Visceral Osteopathy:
Mobility, the most crucial criterion for optimum functionality, is the foundation of visceral osteopathy, which evaluates and treats movement and the rhythm of the internal organs.
All of these subfields form an entirety in the hands of the osteopath, who can help individuals take the step towards self-healing.
If you wish to be recompensed for treatment with me, you always need a medical prescription, authorized by your health insurance provider.
Please bring your medical prescription to our first appointment.
A treatment lasts up to 45 minutes and costs 95 euros.
My fee must be paid in cash before each therapy unit. You can submit the authorized prescription and invoice in full at the end of the treatment. The amount refunded differs from provider to provider (anywhere between 35 and 44 euros).
The prescription should specify the following:
First, the appropriate diagnosis; then: 10 x 45-minute physiotherapy sessions: 10 x Physiotherpie (EHG) á 45 Minuten
The ÖGK and BVAEB does not require any authorization until June 30, 2025.
For KFA and SVS you need an authorization, you can get it per fax, email or you can visit your authorizing office in person.
The prescription should specify the following:
First, the appropriate diagnosis, then: 10 x 45-minute osteopathy sessions: 10 x Ostropathie á 45 Minuten
For osteopathy sessions your health insurance provider will not refund any money.
Preventive Treatment and Consultation:
You don't need a medical prescription and you don't get any money refunded.
If you have any specific questions, just call me: +43 (0)699 12294774
Please note that I must charge for missed appointments not canceled at least one business day in advance by calling
+43 (0)699 12294774.
about me
My Social Media Sites: Here you will find physiotherapeutic tips and information. Here you can also inform yourselfe about my work as an unpublished hobby author.

1995-1998 | Academy of Physiotherapy at Wilhelminenspital in Vienna |
Oct. 1998 | Degree in Physiotherapy |
1999-2001 | Training in "Physiotherapy in Sport" at ÖGS |
Oct. 2001 | Degree in "Physiotherapy in Sport" |
2002 | Manual Therapy, Maitland Concept (Level 1) |
2002-2008 | Training at Wiener Schule für Osteopathie - WSO |
Sept. 2008 | Exit Examination as Osteopath |
2008 | Fascial Distorsion Model (FDM), Level 1, Module 1, European FDM Association |
Oct. 2008 | FDM, Level 1, Module 3 |
Jan. 2009 | FDM, Level 1, Module 2 |
Dec. 2009 | Degree in FDM, Level 1 |
April 2012 | Seminar about Stephen Typaldos (Founder FDM) |
May 2012 | FDM Inversion Therapy with Marjorie Kasten PT |
April 2013 | FDM IC (International Certificate) |
July 2015 | Degree Osteopathy AE (Academic Expert) |
Dec. 2015 | Training in Fascial-Physical-Training |
1998-1999 | Physical Institute "Physikomed" Neulinggasse 13, 1030 Vienna |
1999-2000 | Rehabilitation Center "Weißer Hof", 3400 Klosterneuburg |
2000-2003 | "Sanatorium Hera", Löblichgasse 13, 1090 Vienna, since 2002 also work self-employed |
since 2003 | Work self-employed in my own practice "Therapiemaly", Säulengasse 13/5, 1090 Vienna |
2010-2013 | Assistent Instructor for the FDM |
Aug. 2011 | Voluntary at the FDM-Worldcongress in Vienna |
2011-2013 | Voluntary at the EFDMA board |
since 2023 | In addition to my own Viennese practice, once a week self-employed in the practice "Jutta Heller" in 2070 Retz |
May I introduce: This is RUDI.
He is born on the 24th of November and moved in on April the 23rd in 2021.
After a short breake, he comes back to work with me.
There he is sleeping in his own room, behind a lattice gate.
If you like to see more fotos or read storys about him, you can do this on instagram.
Just click on the link:
Rudi's Instagramsite

Tilly was my first Parson Russell Terrier dog. She lived and worked with me for 16 years.
In December 2020 I had to put her to sleep with a heavy heart. But Tilly will be fondly remembered forever.

Säulengasse 13/5
1090 Wien
Tel.: +43 (0)699 12294774
Lasts a little longer:
marion @therapiemaly.at
Public Transportation:
Währingerstrasse/Volksoper: U6 / 40 / 41 / 42 /40A
Canisiusgasse: 37 / 38
Nussdorferstraße/Alserbachstraße: 33 / 38 / 5 / 40A
Im 9. Bezirk ist Kurzparkzone
Since I work with my hands, I am difficult to reach by phone, but don’t hesitate to leave your name and number on my voicemail or e-mail me your information. I always make every effort to answer messages as quickly as possible.
Thank you, Marion Maly
WSO: Wiener Schule für Osteopathie
Österreichische Gesellschaft für Osteopathie
Osteopathic Center for Children
Dr. Georg Schröfl, a good alternative medicine practitioner
Dr. Martin Jurek, a good ENT-doctor
The outpatient departments of "Sanatorium Hera"
Perspektiefe: Mag. Stefan Dörrer
Dagmar Neugebauer
Mag.a Elisabeth Fabrick-Kresic
Our Dogtrainer:
Caro is the best!
Parson+Jack Russell Terrier Club
Rudis Breeder
My sister's Occupational Therapy Practice in Berlin
Therapiemaly, a Clinic for Physiotherapy, Osteopathy, and the FDM
Owner: Marion Maly, Säulengasse 13/5, 1090 Wien
Tel.: +43 (0)699 12294774
@therapiemaly.atProfessional Organisation: http://www.physioaustria.at/
Exclusion of liability:
The information contained on www.therapiemaly.at has been researched with the greatest attention to detail, while the technology was programmed to function as efficiently as possible. Nevertheless, Therapiemaly can guarantee neither its completeness nor its correctness. No responsibility can be taken for the correctness of this information. Therapiemaly is not liable for any damages incurred as a result of using the content featured on www.therapiemaly.at. Under no circumstances can we be held responsible for the content or the function of the sites to which users are linked via www.therapiemaly.at.